Monthly Ranking(Everyday updated)

The ranking of the stores with the most PVs seen in the past 30 days.

Based on the number of views of the store page on GayMassa.

Aggregate period: 2024-12-15 2025-01-14

1 st

9670 PV

2 nd

7712 PV

3 rd

5267 PV

4 th

985 PV

5 th

758 PV

6 th

699 PV

7 th

620 PV

8 th

480 PV

9 th

436 PV

10 th

432 PV

11 th

412 PV

12 th

401 PV

12 th

401 PV

14 th

376 PV

14 th

376 PV

16 th

361 PV

16 th

361 PV

18 th

321 PV

19 th

316 PV

20 th

302 PV